Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Break + The Phillips 4

This has been the craziest 10 days of my life and I was so thankful that an uneventful Monday arrived to break up the chaos. It was a slow and easy day... I even got a nap! That never happens!!! We are so happy Jude and Jaden are home for spring break... Gemma is so much happier when they're here. It's the sweetest thing... she loves them so much and they are always teaching her something new, so patient and so willing to play along even though she's much younger... I am so thankful God chose me for this. 

There is just nothing in the world like sisters... I swear they spend half the time aggravated with each other but when they're all in a good mood and playing together some kind of magic happens. I love to see them together... I can't believe they're mine!

Spring arrived with a bang and as a result we're all sneezing and coughing and blowing our noses constantly... but it's done such magical things to the fruit trees... a few weeks ago these peaches were only blossoms!

Lupe and Rue love to ride in the wagon together... Rue cheers and Lupe eats Rue's hair. It's a good time for all... 😂

Rue and Gemma have switched heroes and now Gemma is glued to Jaden's side and Rue is always staring at Jude and smiling. It's pretty dang sweet. I can't believe how fast Jude has grown up... someone asked him if he has a girlfriend and I got a little nauseous... I'm just not ready for all of that nonsense. Why why why can't they stay little!? He is the kindest big brother... everyone needs a big brother like Jude... I just love him. 

Although Rue is over the weight recommendations for my sling I still wear her almost every time I'm cooking. She will bring me the sling and say up momma... so how could I not!? She is completely and utterly spoiled by me and I'm not even denying it. I look at her and think... last baby, don't waste this.  She is cherished by us and and very used to it. At night when we pray she always takes a turn to pray for Brandon and I at the very last... it's just the tiniest sweetest little mumbles with Momma and Papa  thrown in here and there... these days are golden.

Yesterday was bread making day! I have enjoyed this so much. I need to figure out how to make these loaves prettier but I don't think anyone actually cares about that except me. I made 3 loaves today and the first one is gone! The kids love fresh bread with butter... Jude piled his with spaghetti at dinner! So good and so easy! Get the recipe here! I double this recipe and make 3 loaves because I use 9x5 pans instead of 8x4.

I hope you're all off to a great start this week! Thanks for stopping by!

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