Tuesday, February 28, 2017

From Our Hearts + India

Ive always heard people say "get good at the wait..." and I have to tell you God's working that out for me right now because we're in the hardest wait of our lives thus far...

We've told people about our plans to move our lives toward India, toward Happiness Home, toward Humanitarian Work... These hopes are fueled by a life long mutual love of the world and it's practical struggles and more recently a resurrection and restoration of a fierce love of Jesus. He's filled us and called us and planted seeds of courage and hope in our hearts. We've taken steps to shift our lives, to make our efforts count for more than a paycheck, to be operating in God's will... and y'all that ain't easy. It's early yet and we're only still taking the very first steps of an extremely long and hard journey and today it seems right for me to share this with you guys...

Rama with the kids! Learn more about him here!

I don't know where this journey will take us. I don't fully understand what is happening in my heart lately but I'm encouraged by it. Whatever God has for us, I want... I don't want to deny what is in my heart anymore. I don't want life to be more of a priority than my contribution to this world. I don't want to live in a box of obligation and cultural expectation anymore. 

I'm not altogether sure of the message here, I would only encourage you to examine your own heart and life and do it with courage... a few people have had negative and discouraging words to share with us but even more people have shared joy with us and anticipation and encouragement, prayers, hope... each kindness has felt like confirmation in my heart and I'm so grateful for those well wishes. 

To the other people I'd say this... I can't continually choose to be a passive participant in my own life anymore. Life is more than light bills and the price of gas... It's more than all of the job offers, new cars and 401k's you can imagine... It's more than a sum of days strung together that carry us through to weekends which end too quickly and are usually misspent. I get to do it one time and I've resolved that that is not how I will do it. There will be fear, struggle, growing pains, uncomfortable days and nights, and so much waiting... but for those things I have patience, courage and peace that I'm doing what I was made to do. To give life to that thought, to acknowledge my purpose and then set it quietly and resolutely on the back shelf of my mind is not an option...

I would also gently remind you to be a friend, be an encourager, be a dreamer, be a listener and a sounding board for the people you love... I'm sure you've all sensed a change in my writing or more so my absence of writing so thank you so so much for sticking around, for reading my very fluid thoughts...

I can't wait to share more and have more to share!

We'll be sharing a video soon with more details and info on how you can get involved! If you feel inclined to partner with us or donate you can do that through PayPal at When you donate through PayPal your email address will be added to a list and we'll keep you updated with details about exactly where your money is going. If you have any questions about Happiness Home or the kids there PLEASE send us an email! We'd love to answer them! 

Again, our hearts are overwhelmed with gratitude for each of you who feels compelled to give.


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