Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Year, New Look!

I thought it was time for a little refreshment around here! How does it look!? This is one of those things that I totally geek out over... like post its and new spiral notebooks or a fresh pack of pens. 

Anyways, it was time for a change... All of the same content is still here it's just much easier to access now! Also... and this is a big deal (to me), the blog is searchable! Just click that little magnifying glass in the top right and get to searching! Posts are still archived the same way in the right sidebar. I've added a few new pages up top to bring some organization so check those out too!

Is anyone else getting seriously excited for Valentine's Day!? I am... because I have TWO little Valentine's this year! Growing up I had one of those Mom's who made every holiday special no matter how insignificant... Valentine's Day was always for our favorite candies wrapped up in frilly pink packages. Such wonderful memories! 

My Sister (@sothenlifehappened) and I are planning to get the kiddies together for our annual Valentine's Day card! It's always a total mess taking the actual pictures but the finished project is so well worth it since we can never seem to get our acts together and produce a Christmas Card! I'm so excited to add a sweet new baby sister to the photos this year and I really think we'll look back on them with such fondness when we're older and all of our kids refuse to wear coordinated outfits and take photos together.

Little Rue is due for her 6 Month Check Up so I'll be back with all of the info soon! Here is some of her chunky cheeked goodness to hold you over!


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