Monday, January 30, 2017

6 Months with Rue Evangeline!

I figured I better do this before I blink and Rue is seven months old! Miss Rue is the happiest baby I've ever met. She is a joy to us all and she loves to laugh. It is so easy to make her smile! She's loving all kinds of baby food and even lunging for our food when we sit down to eat! She loves dogs! Daisy is constantly having an ear pulled on and she doesn't mind a bit! Rue is constantly watching Gemma and pulling Gemma's hair and slobbering on Gemma's toys... She loves her little sister so much though. Watching them together is one of the greatest gifts of my lifetime.

Age: 6 Months & 3 Weeks!

Weight/Height: 27 inches tall! 80% for height! 18 pounds! 75% for weight!

Clothes: Wearing 9 months with a little room right now! We have a big 'ol baby! We almost totally skipped 6 month clothing...

Eating: Everything lol! Kidding. She wants to eat everything. A few minutes ago she snatched a Dorito from Gemma on the porch and sucked it clean in seconds. Mom of the year...

Sleeping: Y'all. Gemma started sleeping 8 hours a night at two weeks old... Rue still hasn't slept 8 hours straight. There have been a few nights that she slept 5 or 6 hours at a time which I'm grateful for but she still really has no established routine. Honestly though I've not made any effort to be on a schedule with her... so the sleep thing is probably my own fault! It's just so nice to enjoy this part of life and not be so regimented... It's truly a privilege and I want to be in a place to make as many good memories as possible.

What's New: Well Rue decided to get with it all at once, really. A few weeks ago she was not even remotely interested in sitting or rolling over. Now, she's sitting really well and rolling all over the place. The changing pad is no longer safe! She's trying really hard to pull up and stand on the side of her crib.

We're well on our way to One and it makes my heart equally happy as it does sad. I know I say it a lot but this season of life is so incredibly challenging and just as rewarding. I have been so unbelievably blessed and give God all of the glory for whatever goodness there is in my life.

Thank you all so much for reading along! I know some of you guys are expecting and I love seeing your belly pictures and hearing your name choices! Motherhood is so special and it's something that is really close to my heart... It's really special to see some of the best friends and best women I know become moms and it means the world to me that you reference my blog and follow along when I post. You're the reason I'm still writing!


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