1. RSV is AWFUL... Rue is finally over the worst of it. We'll be doing breathing treatments at home for another week. Also, ear infections are AWFUL. I've never had one but I imagine it's pretty painful. Lots of baby wearing going on over here...
2. Christmas Break is coming soon! I can't wait for the big kids to get here! We're all getting so excited and trying hard to keep the presents a secret! Especially Gemma... It never occurred to me when I was wrapping them that she's plenty old enough to spill the beans if asked! Fingers crossed!
3. We slipped right by Elf On The Shelf territory! My mom gave us one last year and I just thought Gemma was too small to understand it so I pulled it out this year and read her the book... She said it was cute then asked to hold the elf. I told her she couldn't or he'd lose his magic. Her response was "Oh Mom, it's just pretend...." Like she seriously thought she was shattering the delusion for me... I'm wondering what she thinks about Santa because I totally sell that... She asked to go see him again so thats something! Her little mind is so incredibly logical, its weird. It reminded me very much of her second birthday when someone gave her a doll and we asked what the dolls name was. She said her "toys don't have names, they're just things..." I was a little sad, not gonna lie. Anyways, our elf has become an ornament...
4. I have been in a major funk lately. I shared a video on Facebook yesterday about how lonely motherhood can be. Especially when your children are small and you're home with them constantly... People say that motherhood is the best thing you'll ever do and I agree with that but it's definitely not a complete thought. It's also likely the hardest thing you'll ever do... Being a parent is hard on your heart, your identity, your marriage... None of it is simple and there's not a handbook. I've got to get better at finding ways to invest in myself, in my marriage and my friendships.
5. Brandon finally got the iPhone 7. He was due for an upgrade so it was next to nothing and he couldn't resist! The camera is AMAZING!
6. The weather in Houston needs Jesus... It was so cold last weekend. Now it's 70 and humid... Might as well be April... So hard to drum up some Christmas spirit with this going on...
7. Brandon thought it would be a great idea to share a video of me singing on Facebook... He texted me this morning "2k views... just saying..." I texted back "1999 of those views are my mom and your mom replaying it over and over..." all the eye rolls. I was totally mortified and he was totally amused. I am painfully and miserably shy in that area and he finds it hilarious.
8. What do all you Momma's want for Christmas? I think I'd love a new coffee maker... but have no idea which one. Did you know there is a coffee pot that connects to your phone over wifi!? You can tell it when to make coffee... I'd have a new best friend! I'm pretty over the whole single brew system thing... I drink too much coffee for that now... I always ask for things that are somehow for the kids. I'm trying hard not to do that this year because.... see #4.
9. Gemma was the sweetest Angel at church a few weeks ago... She was feeling really shy and then she got on the platform! She loves attention, no idea where she got that...
10. I realized the other day that I never shared Rue's dedication photos here. I put this video together and it's so special to me.. God has poured out an abundance of joy and love in our lives and little Rue is the cherry on top of that sundae... She's a joy and I pray that whatever purpose is on her life that I will have the wisdom to cultivate that in her and help her find it.
Happy Tuesday Guys!
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