1. Always take a shower before bed. You'll feel better when you wake up! Especially if you had a long night!
2. It's very easy to judge by what you see. Do the difficult thing and judge by what you feel.
3. There is not a man in this world that loves you more than your Dad but there is one that will love you almost as much. When you find him you'll know it. If you don't know it, he's not the one.
4. Be decisive about what you like. Even if it is different than what everyone else likes. No, especially if it is different. Be decisive and be proud of it. Ignore the people who call you opinionated.
5. Invest in good makeup, underwear and winter coats. Just trust me.
6. Admit it when you're wrong and if you lose a friend it won't have been your fault. There's nothing more poisonous than pride.
7. Don't classify yourself. Don't stick with one group. Be kind to everyone.
8. Figure out what you love as early as you can. Gravitate towards that.
9. Your relationships with your siblings will be your longest relationships in life. Find the value in them and put in the work it takes to maintain them... With any luck they'll be with you straight to the end.
10. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Ever. For any reason.
11. Have all of the courage in the world. There's no reason you shouldn't.
12. Get a tattoo or don't but make sure it's you that's making that decision.
13. Talk to God a lot.
14. Read as much as you can and don't ever stop. There will never be a time when you can't learn something new.
15. Be an advocate for something... someone...
16. Chase your dreams but keep a roof over your head.
17. Learn how to make at least one homemade meal that you love.
18. Work harder than you ever thought you could.
19. Cultivate your independence and celebrate it.
20. Get a haircut every few months.
21. Learn how to be comfortable alone.
22. Change your own flat tires.
23. Call your Mom a lot. She loves you.
24. Learn to drive a standard.
25. Be happy. Be content. Choose these things and life will be a blessing to you and others.
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