Thursday, December 24, 2015

10 Things Moms (like me) Say on Christmas Eve!

1. "Santa Claus is coming to town! Now behave."

2. "How did I use that much tape?"

3. "I can't wait until Christmas is OVER."

4. "I wish Christmas never ended!"

5. "I'm going to gain so much weight between today and tomorrow..."

6.  "Don't you want to take a good long nap with Mommy!?"

7. "I'm never going to the grocery store on Christmas Eve, ever AGAIN."

8. "Is it bedtime yet!?"

9. "Close your eyes and go to sleep! Santa doesn't come until you're asleep!"

10. "Would Santa prefer brownies because I would."

*kid falls asleep
* Momma & Papa eat all the cookies and milk!

Win, win!

I hope you all have the merriest of Christmases and spend lots of time with the ones you love. 


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