Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bumpdate: 34 Weeks... Oops. 35.

I had a baby check up this week and it was interesting to say the least! I am a week further ahead than we originally thought! It may not seem like a big difference but boy it is!

Anyways, we're both doing great and really ready to meet each other. Well, I am. I take it as a sign that she is too since she is already head down and ready to go...

Symptoms: All the fun ones, next to no sleep, swelling, general irritability... Real glamorous stuff. I've been ready to have my body back for a while now which is a big difference from how I felt with Gemma...

Movement: She's really starting to run out of room so I'm feeling less kicks and punches. She definitely lets me know when I need to get out of her way!

Baby is the size of a: Really huge Shipley's donut/Enormous bowl of Malt O Meal... Let's see, what else did I eat obsessively?? I'm hoping for a chunky baby this time. Gemma had the sweetest chunky cheeks and she had the skinniest little pencil legs and arms!

News From The Doctor: I've started my weekly visits which makes me super excited! Doctor is reminding me every five minutes to call her at the first sign of labor so here's hoping I remember what that feels like! Just kidding... Kind of.

Thank you all so much for following along and all of the sweet words and well wishes.


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