Monday, November 9, 2015


The Phillips Family is growing by one!

This was a BIG surprise for us and we are a little stressed and a lot excited! We are hoping for a boy but we'll be over the moon to have another healthy baby who will probably end up looking exactly like Brandon... (again!)  My head is swimming with repeat c-section thoughts and what kind of car fits two car seats and two big kids and IS NOT a mini van!? Thankfully we've got a while to prepare!
I bought the sweetest oversized tee from Cross Creations to tell Brandon about the baby. He very rarely notices what I'm wearing so I thought it would be hilarious if he was oblivious for a little while while I was just walking around in a shirt that says Preggers! in huge black letters!

The blog will likely get a bit slower and I hope you will understand. This first trimester is kicking my butt. Gemma has me maxed out and all I can say is kudos to you multiple little kid momma's! The blog will also likely be full of baby news and things like that. I'd welcome any tips, advice or well wishes you may have for us and I so appreciate all of the love and encouragement from you guys!

There are also lots of big changes coming for us concerning our tiny little home. I really think 5 people is the max in our little house. Which means we've decided to sell and maybe even re-locate. We're still not sure where we'll end up but it would be so nice to have Brandon home every night especially with a new babe on the way. We've gotten so used to being close to family so it will be difficult for us if we move away again but we'll cross that bridge when we get there! We have been overwhelmed by the response to our home by all who have seen it! Hopefully that means it will sell quickly and we can start making other plans.

Thanks in advance for all the love!


  1. You are amazing. I'm so excited for so many reasons...but especially because we'll have another grandchild to love and spoil!!

  2. Congrats to you guys. I enjoy reading your blog. No clue how to subscribe to it. I usually see it when Brandon shares it on fb. You will do fine with another lil one.. Been there, had a 2 year old & newborn twins. Interesting for sure. Worth it? Absolutely. Enjoy them, they grow up way too fast.

  3. I'm so excited for all of you! Gemma gets a new baby doll to play with and all of you a new baby to love. God bless you with a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby and blessed life always!
