You know, it isn't easy to dress for fall when it's ninety degrees in the middle of the day. I'm looking at you, Houston. I guess it makes sense to dress in easily removable layers and all that jazz.
I'm not a highly fashionable person. I value comfort and utility over glamour any day but again, I don't want to look like a fourteen year old or the eternal momma in her ever present yoga pants. SO... feel free to ridicule me because I don't actually know what I'm talking about.
This is more of a wishlist for me than a sample of my actual wardrobe because all of the monies these days are going to boring things like oh I don't know... a light bill. All the bums.
Moving on, I am a curvy girl who loves the concept of ankle boots. (I really love those, I'm emailing Santa now.) I have two pairs and I am terrified to wear them. In skinny jeans I kind of look like an upside down Christmas Tree and I'm not sure what ankle boots will do for that... They're on this list because I love them, not because I'm highly fashionable and grocery shop in them.
I also love tops, sweaters and coats that look like I stole them from my grandma. Like big, flowy, easy-to-wrap-a-toddler-in while I'm still wearing them kind of tops... Which I know can't possibly be helping the whole topsy turvy christmas tree thing but I'm a rebel or so they say...
You've just gotta have a red plaid shirt for this season. If you don't you probably don't like christmas music and we all know you don't want to be that person.
You've also gotta have a great scarf, this I know!
P.S. These are the topsy turvy Christmas Tree Jeans, formerly referred to as skinny jeans, that I wear. They are so comfy they make you forget about all of the Christmas Tree nonsense. Also, thanks for tolerating all of the times I said Christmas Tree in this post! (71 Days!)
You have more of a sense of fashion than you give yourself just happens that once we are honored to be Mom our priorities change. I love your blog!